Whitetail Trail
One of Whiterock's equestrian trails, just a short way from River Campground.
Type: Hike, Equestrian
Length: 1 mile
Shade: Mostly shaded
Parking/Access: Park at either River Campground (0.8 miles away) or Oak Ridge Campground (1 mile away). Horse pens and trailer parking are available at both campgrounds. All equestrian trails must be accessed using the Main Loop Trail from one of these parking locations.

Whitetail Trail is a predominantly shaded trail winding through scenic forest. In the spring, all the equestrian trails feature many forest wildflowers. These dense forests are a great place for wildlife watching, especially forest birding. Whitetail Trail is located close to the three large ponds on the Main Loop Trail, which is also where evidence of old coal mining operations on this land is located. Throughout this eastern section of Whiterock, there are several scattered coal mining slags (aka. spoils) that can be seen from trails. In the northernmost section of the trail, you can see the contrast in topography between the Des Moines Lobe to the north and Southern Iowa Drift plain to the south. All equestrian trails are open to hiking as well as horses, biking is not allowed. Trail is prone to fallen trees and branches after storms. Report downed trees/other maintenance issues to trails@whiterockconservancy.org.
Note: In mid-summer, Whitetail Trail becomes the detour route for Main Loop Trail due to yearly temporary closure for pasture. At this time, the trail is shared by hikers, bikers, and equestrians. Bikers should dismount if there are horses on the trails on the trail and use caution. Bikers yield to all other trail users.
Material: dirt trail reinforced with limestone aggregate.
Width: narrow.
Limestone aggregate mix reinforces the trail for equestrian use. None of the equestrian trails can be accessed directly from a parking location.